Leading from the soulfulEDGE

Today, we embark on a new journey. Sympónia is now the Sympónia Institute for Global Compassionate Healing. Sympónia Institute will become refuge for soul-inspired bridge builders, facilitators, leaders, and change makers to come together, reflect, recharge, and innovate together.

We are living in unprecedented times and the work ahead requires more than sound intellectual thought or the intentions of a good heart. It’s going to take a truth than can only come from within when are truly grounded and aligned - a truth that comes from our deep intuitive knowing. When we come together from this place, we are able to contribute to and build upon the collective wisdom that is the critical ingredient for societal systems change. This is leaning into our soulfulEDGE. And when we come together, we begin to lead from our soulfulEDGE.

From this place, we begin to think about leadership differently, we connect with each other in a new way, and we solve problems from a different kind of innovative spirit. Over the last 22 years, I’ve been working at the bleeding edge of conversations - as a professor, working on Wall Street, working for a b-corp, and now as a minister. What I believe is most needed now is our readiness and willingness to step into the soulfulEDGE - to bring a spirt-led approach, and for each of us to begin or continue our integration work that blends and aligns head/heart/spirit. It’s great to be intelligent, it’s powerful to be heart-centered, and it’s game changing when we are soul-inspired.


The Power of Soulful Facilitation